It always makes for the best photo shoots when we just roam around or take a walk and stop here and there for some pictures. What's even better? Finding random signs that say fun things that only we will find the humor in. I suppose it's something like those old, "You had to be there stories," but it was hilarious at the time! Around some corner where a tall brick building stood, was a big sign, like a bright shining star on the wall that read, "NO PARKING, Reserved for Pure Bred American Thunder." It's a Harley thing I guess, but we just thought it would make for an exciting photo or two! It also makes for a good story and I LOVE a good story!
Ben & Carly! Oh wow you guys are cute! You both take fabulous photos and I had the best time getting to know you both more. Carly that smile is AMAZING! I was just talking with one of my other brides, Amber, the other day about how gorgeous all my couples are, and how I always write how much fun and how cute you all are. It is SO completely TRUE! I have the BEST couples ever and the best job in the world! Now I'm pumped and excited for the wedding day so we can do it all over again...only this time, Carly, you'll be BEAUTIFUL in white, and Ben, you'll be smoking hot in a tux! How much fun will that be? I can't wait!