Meet the lovely Jessica representing Monrovia High School! We had the most beautiful evening of warm weather and sunshine last week when we shot Jessica's senior pictures. I thought it was histerical when she was telling me what she brought to wear and showed me this cute little green top. Of course I said, "I just
happen to have that exact shade of patent leather pointy toed stiletto (I mean, of course!) the back of my car!" All the while as I was expressing that I had these shoes, I was running around to the back of my SUV, crankin the door up to reveal the kelly green magnificent wonders! These are
those kind of shoes that the fabulous Oprah would say are her "show shoes", meaning you don't DARE walk in them, they're only for showing. My sister bought them for me to wear for bridal shows, where I begin the day ever determined to make it through at least the first hour of the show, standing to beat all, in my ferocious heels! They are truly 'delicious' as her mom put it, so of course Jessica had to wear them for a few pictures! She was ultra fabulous in my opinion for going the extra mile to adorn my favorite pair of feet candy!
**Jessica, I think you are too adorable and I loved every minute of our time! And of course Liz I just love you too! Thanks for coming along and hanging out and making us laugh...I think our pictures are fantastic and I hope you love them too! I hope you have a rockin last year of school and if you ever get the chance to have brightly colored stilettos, PATENT LEATHER SHINY SHINY stilettos, wear them and think of me! (Because you said you liked black and white photos, I did all b/w here except the last was beautiful lighting and one of my favorites!)