Now I'm going to describe my lovely morning that we shared on Saturday with a few memories that I shall forever cherish from spending the day with these fabulous follks! Here we go...(sorry if this makes no sense whatsoever to anyone NOT present for this ultra, uber, high fashion, glamorous photo shoot)...First...I will forever do my best to keep the front seat of my vehicle clean JUST in case a bride, or, say, a MOM, wants to get in and ride! Small-ish cakes that begin with "P" and end with "S", shall FOREVER have their place in this world! Also, you MUST grease AND flour the pan otherwise they will not all come out! (I'm literally cracking myself at this very moment!) Certain anatomical parts of the body, oh yes, DO have more than one name, and any of the Gann ladies will be happy to list them for you at any time! Bare feet are ALWAYS best...right Jim?! Certain family members not present at the shoot, aka, Vito and Kaya, were sadly missed at our ferocious glamazon photo shoot, however were thought of often and perhaps next time they will make it for the christmas card! (If you follow the blog, you of course know we are speaking of the dogs that I'm completely obsessed with!) It stinks to have to go to work and miss the photogapher rolling around on the ground while the family shakes baby toys so we get the coolest expressions out of her! Families are best when holding hands. Last but certainly not least, my favorite memory and perhaps my favorite part of the day, was that every once in awhile I get lucky enough to meet a bride and groom and walk away from the entire experience knowing I'm a better person for having known them, and photographed them. In this case, I'm not going anywhere and I hope to have made 6 new friends for life...well...8...if you count the rolly polly missing in action bulldogs! Love you guys!
**By the way, that first photo is by far my favorite family photo I have EVER taken!