Over last weekend I made my yearly treck to Old Navy to pick up my new summer shoes. A whopping 10 bucks later, I have 4 lovely pairs of the most fashion forward, feet breathable, show off your toe polish shoes! And once you see the lovely flip flops on the great wall of Old Navy in their rainbow of colors, it means one thing and only one thing...SPRING BREAK! Yeah, so I may not be in school and it may not mean as much to me because I'm long gone out of my school days, but come on! Doesn't everyone need a little SPRING BREAK vacation!? This is something I believe in so whole heartedly that I spring for an entire wardrobe full of new shoes each year! Those of you who are as equally obsessed with the famous Old Navy flip flops as I am, understand! Spring break is like opening season on the flip flop, and I won't be seen without them for at least the next 3 or 4 months...again...this is why I have to buy at least 3 or 4 pairs!
And with this years SPRING BREAK festivities, we are again, making the 6 or 7 hour treck down south to Tennessee with my sister, my mom, my nieces and my nephew. (Feel free to read up on last years events: http://bodellphotography.blogspot.com/2008/04/on-road-again-spring-break-08.html )Last year we spent a few days in Nashville, this year, a whole new set of adventures await us at Gatlinburg! I've never been here, so I'm sure we'll have a story or two to share! A couple of changes since the last year road trip: My sister has a new set of wheels! Yes, old "Tighty Whitey" was laid to rest at the local dealer, and we welcomed in the arrival of the newer, shinier, "Green Machine"...this is at least what we shall call it over the next few days! Also, this year, we have a whole other most exciting reason to be heading south! One of my best friends sister is getting married in Knoxville Saturday, and we will be photographing the day! I'm beyond excited to see what my mind and my camera will create for these two, and I know Kristen will be stunning! Those images will be up soon soon soon!
Well, wish us luck! The journey begins bright and early Friday morning! Just remember, 3 kids under 15, 3 adults, all packed snug as bugs in a mini-van! Oh can't you just wait to see what happens next!
(yes, this photo has absolutely nothing to do with this posting, other than the fact that it is taken with my new little toy!)