A few weeks ago, I took a phone call from a mom who's daughter was getting married. I could tell by how she spoke, that she was really happy for them and really seemed to enjoy being a part of the planning process. We talked about packages, and albums and the typical questions that came up in a normal planning conversation. Somewhere in there, our conversations turned to things like growing up on farms, 4-H, John Deer, and all things country. It was at that moment, I crossed my fingers and hoped for a wonderful meeting with them! These are my kind of people! When we met I couldn't stop smiling. Nathan and Sarah sat in front of me with Sarah's mom beside her and we talked like old friends. We laughed and I probably laughed entirely too loud! I was the one getting goosebumps as Nathan and Sarah finished each others sentences while they told me how they got engaged. I remember looking at Sarah's mom and she sat beaming from ear to ear. When I left the meeting, I think I said a prayer in hopes that this was a perfect fit for all of us!
Nathan and Sarah have this energy and this love that just makes you want to get up and hug, I mean, really SQUEEZE someone! Yes, I'm talking too much right now! But I feel blessed to be able to record and document this kind of love between these two! We started their engagement photos on the exact spot Nathan proposed to Sarah. And their dog Pax was a part of it all, so it was only fitting to include him in some of the photos. Now Sarah, Nathan tells me I should be able to hear you scream when you see these photos....so please, by all means, START SCREAMING!!! Thank you both for a fantastic day of photos! Heather and I could have done it all day! You made my job easy and I'm glad we have two new friends! Sarah, I thank your mom for making a phone call and talking about 4-H with me! She needs to prepare for a huge hug next time I see her! I can't wait for next year, sometime between the county fair and the state fair!