...And they'll both bust out laughing! For anyone who knows Chad like I do, you get the picture! As much as I can't believe I just said "let one rip" on my blog, I can just imagine that a life with Chad is like a guarantee that life will be one hell of a great ride and filled with laughter that just won't quit!
Chad is infectious and likely one of the funniest people alive. I know from personal experience that a few moments with him, and he'll make your stomach hurt. Or he'll at least make your cheeks ache from laughing so hard! I've known him for several years now and some of you may actually know him because he's assisted me with so many weddings and engagement sessions over the past couple of years. He's helped my family move, he's helped my sister carry out her wedding presents, and he's helped me become a better photographer. For these reasons and so many more, I have to say thanks Chad for being a good friend. I always knew one day you'd be a great catch for someone...Insert Michelle. Michelle showed up at our church a few years ago. She was tall. Blond (well, sort of right?!) and beautiful. Yes. Michelle, darling, your stunning and you have the cutest kid ever who I just love too! I'm going to fast forward now to last year when the 4 of you, you know who you are, were spending a ton of time together. Who knew, that one day, our little Chad would be flying over a field with the words "will you marry me", written in sheets below, with you as his co pilot. I'm not sure we'll ever really know who liked who first, but whatever, I think we can all agree that we're just glad you did, both of you!
Insert cheesy love song: "On The Wings of Love". I hope I still know you guys 50 years from now. Hopefully I still have good hair! HA! You'll be sitting on the front porch and Chad will be doing his thing, weezing, and making everyone around him bust a gut! I sincerely believe God gives us each a gift. Chad's gift, one of many, is to make everyone around him feel important, feel good and get them laughing. Michelle is a perfect compliment to him. But don't let her fool you Chad...I've totally heard her "let one rip", and I believe you may have met your match!
If I haven't completely embarrassed you both by now, (and I hope I haven't!), you know I have to write my jokes because you know that if I don't laugh myself, I'll bust out crying! You see, I have known Chad for so long now. I've come to love his family after photographing both of his sister's weddings. I've photographed his sister carrying their sweet little baby girl. And now it's your turn, and it's nearly too much to handle! Plus you're marrying Michelle, and come on, I've photographed her brother's wedding, I've photograhped her and Connor a few times now, and I just love them all too! And holy cow can your mom bake a cherry pie!!! (More on this later.) When you get this much history, it makes for a nice Hallmark moment, a nice, grab the Kleenex box, moment. I'm not going to cry though. I'll save those sobs for the big day. For now, I'm just happy you allowed me in to share in some of the love, and I can't wait for you all to see some of these photos! This is just part one...yes, I talk to much. Yes, I am in love with the exclamation mark, and yes, I think you're both just too cute for words! But anyone who knows me, knows how much I love what I do for these reasons. I get to photograph people who are in love. And I'm so happy that you both found each other...enjoy your photos, I'm gonna need that Kleenex now!
