Michelle and Chad, I can't express how happy I am that I might have forced you a little to put the dress back on, throw on the tux once more, all in the name of great pictures. And so what if it were just the day after the wedding? Look how darling these are! Personally I consider you two lucky ducks for having such a great friend in your life that was willing to bust out the camera on the day after a wedding! HA! For anyone that knows me, I tend to feel a little like I've been 'hit by a bus' the day after a huge wedding. Not that I'm complaining, I just tend to stand the long hours so I'm not missing a beat during those important times. And trust me, lugging that heavy equipment around all day, wipes a girl out! But yes. It's because you guys are so near and dear that I'll do most anything for you! It was worth it though! Michelle--darling, you're a 10 in my book. Tall, tan. A million bucks! You're fierce and I love you! And Chad. Little Chadly. The man can work a tux what I can I say!
Oh, and Chad, this is for you:
Maverick--"Tower, this is Ghost Rider requesting a flyby."
Air Boss--"That's a negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full."
