Did I mention the smiles? I talk about expressions all the time, and this family was filled with great expressions. I just had to point the camera their way-they would smile. And they were perfect smiles! ALL SEVEN OF THEM! I would say something funny-they would laugh. And they would all give me these perfectly darling, laughing expressions!
Thank you all for being the best to work with! You made my job easy, and you made me more thankful to do what I love. If I could give the entire world a great family photo to display in their house, it would make it all worth while! Tim and Pam, you're blessed with such great kids and I love the bond that you all have. It's truly fun to witness such great moments in a familie's life, and your is no exception! You all are beautiful on the outside and it shines from within! Enjoy your photos...oh and Pam, we're TOTALLY going to do this again sometime ok! You're stuck with me from now on!

**I took the picture above, and it was an adorable moment...if only for a second! The next image below, happened the at the exact moment the above moment was over! Pam, I just LOVE you in this one!!!
