Tuesday, September 6, 2011

now booking: 2012 seniors.

It's that time again to begin our senior push for the 2012 year! If you are a senior, we would love to meet you and grab you some fantastic photos to document this time in your life. We promise to keep you laughing, keep you smiling, but most of all--keep YOU looking like YOU!   And best of all, we have simplified this entire process, streamlined for an easy experience and not too heavy on the pocketbook. 

This is a fresh, simple approach to senior photography without a ton of props or things that might get in the way of YOU being YOU! So grab your mom, grab your dad, have them call or send over a message and we'll get you scheduled for a phenomenal session that you will love! Questions welcome...smiling optional! GREAT expressions: ALWAYS!

***Mooresville High School seniors: grab your cards from Cyli or Taylor and you'll get an extra incentive when you book and complete your session!
