That's right Posh. There's a new kid on the field and this one's fierce.
Crossing my fingers behind my back and currently hoping Number 30 thinks this post is totally major cool and not utterly embarassing, allow me to share my first experience as an "Aunt" of a kid playing her first soccer game on a real team in high school.
The sky looked as if though at any minute it could open up and pelt the kids to death with monstrous cold hard rain beads,and my sister assured me that Number 30 plays better in the rain. It wasn't exactly my niece or the other kids I was worried about, so much as my lens. The one we ALL so refer to as, The Baby. Nearing the ticket chick who collects your moolah and allows you access to this phenomonon they call 'a friendly game of soccer', I felt confident that The Baby is made of some kick a#$ materials and I would be fine if some drops of precip came near. My sister and the world's most adorable cheerleader...so she may not actually be a cheerleader, but hey, when you play on any team at Mooresville High, and you have little cute sisters, they are all cheerleaders...went to sit up in the bleachers and assume soccer mom duties. With the 'Baby' in hand, I drew her near to my face, scrunched my face and closed my left eye, held down the shutter release and began my search for Number 30. Like a missle on lockdown, I spotted her, Number 30 in all her glory. Fierce.
It was all I could do to swallow the huge lump in my throat, as the ball flew her way and she began the chase. Like a cat on a mouse, but with a much cuter pony tail of course, and cute shoes, (er, uh, cleets,...how do you even spell that?!) Number 30 played the majority of the game, and I took on my usual role as a fabulos-itous paparotzo. The Baby and I do make a great team. But I do wish I had those muscles in my legs like Number 30, shoot! Mooresville didn't win their first experience of the year, however there are many more games to be played and I'll be on the sidelines to document them ALL. That's what a good Aunt does right?! At least we fix the hair and make the pony tails ROCK! Beckham's got nothing on us there!
**love you Cyli!