Well, I had to miss last weeks game because I was on small child detail, but Wednesday I was back in full force, being the most feroche soccer auntie in the planet. Though I was a bit late, (shooting the 2 most ADOOOOooorrRable small guys ever...post is coming Kristin, I PROMISE!) and when I entered the gate I was oh so nonchalantly greeted by the PTA or PTO mom who was taking the tickets. As if it would stop the world to have a little cheer while taking the moolah you know you want and pass me my small purpleish ticket so I can move on about my business and do my photo-ing. Sheesh Louise, people smile!
Then greeted by small child Charis, (her soccer chronicle is coming soon too!) we of course had to visit the stand of tasty treats because she HAD to have a pretzel. While digging deep in my pockets for any spare coins to pay for the said, twisted dough piece, Charis managed to somehow convince the attendant that we NEEDED that cherry coke, because "That's my Auntie Darci's favorite drinky! She thinks they are good as desserties!" Knowing full well that I would end up NOT getting to delight myself in the cola, but rather she, would enjoy all this pop in it's tremendous fizziness and cherry flavors, she also added a water to our tab. She's a smart one, this Charis! So imagine my surprise when I was digging for change, and the lady was all like, "That'll be $5.50." SHUT UP HOLY MOTHER OF SOCCER!!! $5.50 for a pretzel, a cup o water and a sody?! Shut up!
So not only did I end up spending obscene amounts of money entering the soccer game, and filling the belly of my smallish niece Charis, I actually got to sit and enjoy what was left of the game. Right about the time I pulled the camera close, Number 30 went on an awesome play until the chicka from the other team stuck it to her in a nasty move, causing Number 30 to fall on her and smash her (the other chick) face into the grass. It was hot. These are THE moments that make high school games worth watching. Number 30 just bounced back whipping that pony tail through the wind as she barrelled down the green again. She's vicious kids! And she's my niece!