Becky and I worked together for a short while at a company that shall remain nameless...I'd hate for "her" to come after us! hahaha! One of my most favorite memories ever was when she and I got to go on a "work trip" to Pennsylvania. Everyone knows that you have a ball on work trips out of town right?! So we hopped a plane, and when we landed our boss and her ass-istant (I can't help myself! lol) picked us up and we jaunted off to have a light turned out to be a complete nightmare as we sat across the table with our boss, whom we had nearly just met, while she and the assistant had the audacity to pick their menues up and place them open in front of their faces and in a mousy quiet voice, began to talk! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Talk about un-professional! Our boss and the assistant--remember we JUST met, you might think they would want to, I don't know, get to know us a bit? But they proceeded to go on like it was normal, and the entire time as they were talking, Becky and I just sat there, frozen in our seats, afraid to even look at each other. It was TOTALLY one of those moments that you poke someone but hope they don't look at you cause you KNOW you might pee yourself from laughing histerically out loud and then get in trouble!!! AHAHHahhh....the good old days. You know? I quit that job about 2 weeks later and started Bodell Photography. I vow to NEVER ever be that rude to any of my clients, or any of my friends! Becky and I still laugh at this to this day, and if I ever run into "her", I'm just going to smile and tell her she has nice shoes! Then I'm going to go pray for her! (Becky...darling, that was for you! Look how far we've come!)
On with the photos...I LOVE these and I LOVE that you are so in love with your husband and girl! Shoot! That is all you need in this lifetime and it's more than ok to miss him like crazy on work trips! By the way, you are so so so so pretty in these and Derek's kind of a stud! Ha!