Thanks to the lovely Thomas and his extremely soon to be wife Sarah, I will be walking the beaches of Jamaica for the next 4 days! If I am a little slower answering the phone or returning your emails, this is why! It's going to be tough leaving the cool winds of Indiana where I just recently HAD to pull out my mittens, for the sweet smell of the ocean air that is awaiting my arrival in Jamaica...but somebody's got to do it right?! I'll keep you updated on the festivities of the island while I'm out and check back soon for the ultra highlight of my entire year, 'the island wedding' of Thomas and Sarah. This is my last wedding of 2008 and I can't imagine a more fabulous couple than these two and I'm assured to have the best time ever with them! They are wonderfully adorable together and throwing sandy beaches to the mix can only help! I can't wait for the wedding on Saturday and I'm so excited to get there! Photos to's one I found online.

**I'm thrilled to be toting my older sister with me for the wedding. She has NEVER EVER been out of the country...I'm sorry
Number 30 I couldn't take you with me...I'd pack you up and put you in a zip lock bag and put you in my carry on if I could! I love you and I'll bring you back a smokin hot Jamaican soccer player if I can find one that will fit in my zip lock bag! xoxo