After a crazy engagement session with these two, I literally couldn't wait for the wedding! It was really a fun wedding with lots of wonderful people and a fabulous scottish theme to go along. I had several firsts at this wedding...My first wedding where my groom and groomsmen dressed in the ever lovely "kilt", and might I add you all totally rocked the outfit being that it was a chilling January day and I am in awe that you all made it through! Also, this was my first time where my bride rode in on a horse and carriage to enter the was wonderfully dramatic and you could even here the little horsey's hooves as he galloped along the pavement! It was totally cool! And on the same note...because of the horse and carriage, when Greg and Amanda left the ceremony, they jumped back in for a little ride around the grounds, and I got to go! Granted, the freezing winds were something to be left to the imagination, but Amanda was perfect and she had her fur wrap and she smiled and you would just never know how frozen she really was! Greg as usual kept me laughing the entire time we took photos and I'm not even sure he knew it was cold outside! I loved it!
This was just really an awesome wedding for me because Amanda is in the family and we don't get to see our extended family every day. When we were kids, I'm not sure we knew how important those moments were that we would get to see each other, but now that I'm older, it's means everything to me. My grandma and Amanda's grandma were sisters so it's just pretty cool to get to photograph Amanda on her wedding day. Eric and Jacki Sue, thanks so much for letting me in on the fun and for putting a wonderful wedding together! I loved getting to see you both so much over the past few months and laughing the whole way! And I can't leave out Greg's family! The short time I got to spend at the rehearsal dinner with your parent's Greg, was really nice. They are admirable people and I'm glad I got to meet them both, and thanks also for inviting me along the the rehearsal dinner!
Oh and I almost forgot! One last, first thing from this wedding...BAGPIPES! How fabulous was it to have a couple bagpipers playing all night! I loved it!
Greg, welcome to the family! Amanda, I trust you'll keep that boy in line! I wish you both the best! I know I kept you waiting forever to see these photos, but without further are some of my favorite moments and be sure to view the slideshow!