So many changes are going to be introduced within the next couple of months and I wanted to share this new album with you all! The regular black art leather album that I have been using will still be my number one album in order to keep cost down to my clients, however, I'm really excited about the look and overall feel of this new album. This book also has 20 more pages inside and is double in thickness of the original album that I offer, all while keeping the nice compact lines and timely elegant-ness of the book. They are both extremely similar in the fact that both are black, and they both have the little square window on the front for a photo to be displayed. Both will still have completely hand designed pages and spreads by me, and will continue to contain at least one full page spread where the photo goes from the left side over to the right side as the book is layed open.
Albums are included with 3 out of the 4 collections that I offer, and they can also be added a' la carte as well, in the 10x10 and 8x8 sizes. This new upgrade can be added to your current package, and can also be added at the contract signing with new bookings. Be sure to visit the website for package pricing and inquire about the new album upgrade.
**Thomas and Sarah's Jamaica wedding

**Here are a couple of the designed pages that fill the book.