I've got two words for you: Sweet Caroline. This pretty much sums up the entire wedding! Probably one of the best parties I've ever seen at a wedding all thanks to Adam and Nicole and their perfectly wonderful group of guests! I have to tell you that aside from all the weddings I have seen, this has been the year of the speeches. Ones that make you laugh. Ones that make you really laugh. Ones that make you double over where you almost cry and pee your pants they are that funny! Ones that make you smile and ones that make you tear up and want to go hug someone. The best weddings, have both. This wedding, well, Adam and Nicole's wedding had the double over with laughter, the crying sobs, and all the levels in between. I can't help but feel the same thing as the guests are feeling when I hear these incredible spoken words and sometimes it's even tough for me to keep my camera up and my game face on.
It all started with Nicole's sweet younger sister, the maid of honor who almost couldn't make it through. Girls, I was totally right there with you...tears and all! It was so cute though how the crowd pumped her up and clapped when she needed it, and she made it through with flying colors. The best part, three hugs right after. One tear filled from Nicole, one from Adam, and then she ran right over to their dad and he gave her a huge squeeze. Somewhere about then, the best man took the floor. He goes on and on speaking about the love between Nicole and Adam. He tells a story or two and even presents them with a gift. If I remember correctly, it was like a "get out of jail free card" so that the two of them could have a night apart from each other when needed. It was histerical at best! But the hands down best part of the night, was when he ended the speech with, "Where it began...I can't begin to know...but then I know it's growing strong...." And with that, the entire crowd sang, "SWEEEEEET CAROLINE"! And with that, they took the cake for the best speech of all time.
As if the speeches and first dances were not enough, which, by the way, Nicole and her dad shared probably one of the most sincere father daughter dances of all time too, the best man shared the stage with the band for a little performance of his speech. THIS, ok, I can't even begin to say it enough, THIS was by far, one of my favorite moments EVER at any wedding I have ever seen! Nicole, Adam, I will forever remember your wedding by this one song, and I'm not even sure what it means to you or if the song even has any real significance! But it's moments like these that people will remember forever. They'll remember how incredibly excited you both were as you sang at the top of your lungs, "good times never seemed so good". Nicole, they will remember how gorgeous and graceful you were in your wedding dress, and Adam, they'll remember how you held her hand hand, put her ring on her finger and stared into her eyes. They will remember how right after the first kiss, there was an even bigger first hug. They will remember because the love that you two share is memorable.
You both have been two of my favorite people to ever work with! I would do it all again yesterday and tomorrow with you guys! Adam, I love how that first time I met with you both, you would hold her hand and stare into her as though everything she said was the most important thing she has ever said. And I think it's cute that Nicole doesn't want you to show me your pictures of the squirrels! I have enjoyed our times talking about the wedding and I was almost sad to leave yours! Thank you both for really letting me into your lives and allowing me to be an extra member of the wedding party! I think I could have given a great speech about you also! It's evident why people love you both so much, and I was honored to share in your day with you. I hope the honeymoon was perfection and I hope you enjoy your photos!
*Special thanks to Tonya at Circle City Planners for putting an incredible event together!
*The wedding was held at St. Matthews Catholic Church and the reception was held on the grounds of the beautiful Indianapolis Art Museum.