Well Kara! Hopefully some of these can be considered one of your "it" photos! I am truly just in love with the one at the top of this blog. Ella and Bryson are beyond adorable. Ella still makes me smile thinking about how stinkin cute she is! I loved her hair last year, and this year it's getting longer but it's still so cute! I had almost forgotten that we did some baby photos of Bryson last year and I can't believe how big he is too! So much personality and he can certainly shake it to Michael Jackson! Too funny!
Thanks again for making some fun memories for me too this year! I always have a blast getting to see you and your family Kara! Your kids are beautiful and so happy and full of life! Thank you also Kara for your countless encouragement throughout all the years but especially now. Your thoughts, words, emails, emails, emails, and prayers all mean the world to me. Let's do it all again soon! I've got more ideas already for winter! HA! Enjoy your photos!