Kara and I finally made plans to photograph her daughter Ella and her brand new baby boy Bryson. She and I go way back and we had kind of lost touch through the years, so I was more than thrilled when she contacted me to take pictures. When they pulled up and I finally got over the fact that she is married with
two kids, she opened the backseat to the car and there sat the biggest blue eyes and the most exciting smile on Ella, and next to her in a car seat was Bryson. He was just to much in his little itty bitty white polo and khakis, and Ella, well, she was completely too much fun! She has this voice that I just wish I could bottle up and sell! And when she would say my name, it wasn't Darci, it was something like, Dawtdsee, but she was SOOO cute! It was too funny! I wanted to squeeze her when she laughed and she was just too fun to play with and photograph. I loved when she discovered the dirt and her mom let her take her shoes off. She ran around and jumped and she was so happy to be running along the ground barefoot! Man it's gotta be great to be a kid! So we ended with one of my super huge lolipops and Ella was so dainty with it and I'm not sure there was any on her face at all. That was fun until she discovered blueberries and attacked those while Kara and I talked and little Bryson slept.
Oh Kara where do I start! It was so good to wander around with you and your little ones. It's nice to reconnect with old friends and hopefully we'll get to do it all over again soon. These two are way to cute and I'm simply in love with some of their expressions! I want hair like Ella's! She's darling! Hope you love these as much as I do!