I love that Melissa wanted to do some photos to celebrate her marriage to Bryan for their 25th anniversary, and I couldn't be happier with how they turned out! Of course, when you are as pretty as Melissa, and you have Bryan by your side, it wasn't too hard! They laughed together, shared a kiss or two, enjoyed a quick glass of wine and were just so great and easy in front of my camera. I think it's wonderful to see two people who still share such a deep for one another, especially after 25 years. And it's even more awesome that they wanted to do a quick photo session to document this time in their lives. They happen to have two gorgeous daughters, Ashley and Tristan--both previous Bodell brides--and both who I just love to pieces!
Melissa, thanks again so much for meeting me that evening on your anniversary! I think you are such a fun, sweet, beautiful lady and I know your family is lucky to have you--both as a mom and as a wife! I wish you and Bryan 25 more years happiness and joy! Enjoy some of my favorite photos from the day.