This was just one of those weddings that I knew we would fit right in perfectly with the family. And when the whole night was over, and the family was inviting us over for the holiday dinners, we knew we had done our job and met a few more best friends in the process! I'm always blown away by such sweet, genuine and truly caring families that we are fortunate to work with, and Sara and Bill's families were no different. When we walked into that hotel room, I knew that family was important to Sara and I only hope I was able to capture a small part of that importance in these photos. Sara was surrounded by her family, her best friend and all of her grandparents. Everyone was smiling and they were so welcoming and I knew this was going to be an incredible wedding! Sara is extremely fortunate to have all of her grandparents and I know they were so happy to be a part of her day too.
Bill and Sara, oh you two are just the picture of adorable-ness! Sara, I just loved your elegant dress with the gorgeous shoulder line, loved your flowers and every single little detail that went into your day, (more on the details in a post to follow!)including the pool tables, the toys on the tables and the super cute table numbers! Little Sara with your adorable pony tails and your little round glasses were just way too cute for words! And Bill, you were just handsome, but then again, I think every man in a tux is looking good! What can I say! You and Sara completely compliment each other, you make each other laugh and I had the best time with you both! Thanks for including me in your day and thank you especially for being patient with me as I finished with your photos...after a couple emergency wisdom teeth extractions, I'm feeling much better thank you! Be sure to say hello to your families, and Sara, tell your dad I'll talk "photography" any time he needs to! Some of my favorite moments are below. Enjoy your photos!