Kara! One of my favorite people in the world! I love spending time with you and photographing your life and your beautiful family! You did well for only having one photo shoot this entire year, which I know is hard for you! I love that you're a photo snob like the best of us, and you love your timeless moments on paper. Some of these totally make my day and your kids get more precious every time I see them. I'm glad Jason was able to join us for the second part of our shoot, but some of the ones with you and your kiddos are my absolute favorites! You'll treasure these I know! You know, we've still got a little time before this year is up...if you're wanting to shoot for session number two of the year...just saying! HAH! Here's a few of my favorites. As always, a ton more--just for you, await you on CD! Enjoy your photos! www.bodellphotographyonline.com