Nora--thanks for thinking of me for your photos! Wasn't that a hilarious day we had doing these! I can't honestly think of a better person that I would want to watch on stage. We all know your personality is brilliant and I have yet to experience these hidden talents of yours! I do know that people have always been drawn to you, and for that, I know you will be successful! Even though you may have missed that first try out, I totally encourage you to try try again! I'll be your biggest cheerleader...I may even bring pom pom's to the show! AND I'll throw in a toe touch...JUST for you. Though I can't say it won't consist of me just bending over, and touching, only for a quick second, my big fat toe! HA! Love you Nora! Cheers to wherever these photos may take you!
Kicking things off with my favorite! For anyone who knows Nora, can't you totally hear the laughing from this one! I LOVE it!

Ok. True story. Nora, you're stunning, inside, especially outside! If I ever get a wild hair, up you know where, and trust me, it would TOTALLY have to be wild for me EVER to cut my hair that short, but yes, if ever that happened, I would love to have a shorty hair cut like yours! It's darling!