Monday, August 8, 2011

lily and her family.

I was so happy to finally get to meet little Lily and see her mom and dad again! Last time I saw TJ and Keith, it was winter, and Lily had not quite made her appearance. This time, we got together on an incredibly hot summer morning with the rest of the family for some simple, quick family photos. I can't tell you enough, what a sweet, pretty little baby girl Lily is! Her little lips are gorgeous, her big eyes are stunning! She's a bundle of cuteness all around! I also can't say enough, that I think more people should do family photos and include the grandparents, even the aunts and uncles too! I think it would be super cute if I had photos like these looking back from when I was a kid.

Keith and TJ, thanks again for being amazing and so much fun for pictures. Your Lily is such a happy girl, she's lucky to have you all in her life. I hope Lily will look back on these photos one day and see all the people in her life that loved her the best! Here are just a few of my favorites. Enjoy!