Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Day in The Life: Vera & Warren.

Sometimes my very dearest and best friends are about knee high, sometimes even shorter. They wear red, lady bug wings, cupcake t-shirts, tu-tu's and headbands. They belly laugh at all my jokes. They make me laugh too, but even more, they make me thankful to be able to share in their lives through my camera skills.

There are times when I wonder if I'm still doing God's work in my craft of photography, and then people like Liz and Anthony remind me why I'm right where I need to be, right where I should be and still accomplishing what God has set me out to do. When you have a family like this, who I've deemed, "lifers" in the Bodell Photography club, we've photographed in all kinds of locations. Sometimes the park, the cutest cupcake shops, the best orchards around, and while those places have always been amazing, this time we decided to change things up.

Introducing: A Day in The Life: Vera & Warren.

This is a typical day in the life of Vera, her new little brother Warren and their wonderful mommy and daddy at home. A typical weekend spent playing dress up, baking treats, and just being the happy little family that they are. This was such a fun experience seeing Vera right in the height of her glory, baking cookies as she often does with her mom. She was so careful measuring her flour, scraping the top of the measuring cup with her knife. And cracking the eggs and having one too many chocolate chips in her own personal pink bowl, were highlights too. Anthony snuggled with Warren and Liz and I laughed as Vera threw every one of her toys out of there place, and stacked up her babies on her bed.

These are the moments worth capturing. These are the photos that remind me God still has me at work, right where He needs me to be. Bringing smiles to peoples faces doing the things they do every day. Liz, you truly are an inspiration to me as you and Anthony are raising your little family. I dearly love you all and I'm so happy to have one of my dearest best friends about knee high. I hope these images will be fun for you to look at as they both grow up...hopefully that will be a really, REALLY slow process! Enjoy, and thanks for being amazing as usual!