Tuesday, April 26, 2011

eric. amber. lillie: family.

If you follow my blog in the slightest, you've probably noticed by now a little how the blog works...In the title of the blog post, I like to put the names of the people in the photos, followed by the event. Well. Eric and Amber have graced the pages of my blog many times. You may remember their engagement. You should definitely remember their wedding. I can't even begin to tell you how thrilled to pieces I am, to finally be able to list their names, followed by a THIRD name. Followed by FAMILY.

Eric and Amber are two of the most incredible people I have completely had the pleasure of getting to know in my little career of photography. I love that Amber makes me feel like an old college friend with so much to catch up each time I see her! I love how Eric really loves my photo process and gives me tons of input for the perfect pose! I can't begin to explain how two people can truly bless my life more, and now they're bringing a little girl into the world. And don't worry. Little Lillie will be making her Bodell Photography appearance in June...and I couldn't be more excited! I'm probably going to spoil her a little myself!

So Eric and Amber, it's a given that you two will be mom and dad of the year, and for probably several years to come also! That little girl is going to be so blessed, and totally spoiled...especially since her mom works for such a fab store! Although, Amber, promise us--no red shirts and khakis for Lillie! Ok, well maybe, if they're beyond cute and all, and only if you have a big ol hair bow to match! She's going to be adorable, and I can't wait!

Thanks again for spending time with me for these photos. I'm happy we were able to document this milestone in your lives. Amber, you're gorgeous as usual, and Eric, you too, I even think you may be glowing just a smidge! Love you both! Enjoy your photos!

Everyone else reading this...prepare to follow Lillie as she grows up...I totally plan on seeing her at least once or twice a year!!!
