On one of those hot August days we went out to do a couple of photos with my nieces and nephew! After the bugs nearly ate us up, we booked it to the car and then hit up McDonald's for ice cream, probably their favorite part of the photo experience. We've been doing these seasonal sessions for a couple of years now, so they know every couple of months they'll get to do it all over! Charis and Ashton, the two younger ones, are always quick to remind me that we somehow managed to miss the spring session! How did this year go so fast that we would miss a season?! I know they all secretly like getting photographed every time they turn around, but I know one day they'll love showing these to their kids! Until then, we'll keep photographing! I'll keep forcing the three to get closer in the pictures, and we'll keep picking outfits that go with the season. My sister did it with us when we were kids. Hopefully one day one of them will be behind the camera getting the photos of someone they love too.
Fall pictures are coming soon! This is our FAVORITE season and there will be TONS to post them! So for today, here are just a couple of my favorites! Ashton, Charis, I promise not to ever miss a season again! I'm already shopping for outfits! I love you guys!