Friday, November 4, 2011

steven. kristina. khaos: family.

Oh Kristina. Every time I see you I swear you just become more and more gorgeous! I'm severely jealous of you and your flawless skin, your adorable dog and your one heck of a man who loves you to pieces! Of course I can say these things because I know you dearly, but I still want your dog! I'm still laughing at the thought of him flying through the air with his "matrix" like moves. He is just so hilarious! Thank you both for coming to photograph with me, and thanks for being adorable and loving all over each other for the perfect can only slightly tell that you've got a tight grip on the leash, or that there was a wedding going on just seconds away from where we were spy shooting! Here's just a few favorites for you!  You both are fabulous.