Thursday, November 17, 2011

zach & jessica: engaged.

Meet Zach and Jessica. I seriously just love these two to pieces! I could likely have photographed them the entire day and night, because they just have so much fun together and they make you want to be around them. Our time together was much too short, but the light was going down faster than I had wanted it to. Lucky for me, I'll get to see them again when it snows! Yes, I'm absolutely PRAYING for a great big snow so we can get these two back out again, with snow boots, hats, gloves and scarves, and a big blanky to wrap them up in! It will be fabulous as always. I can't wait!

Jessica dear. You're much too easy to photograph. You're beautiful and you simply were glowing that evening! You and Zach truly are darling together! Thanks for carving pumpkins and having wine in the orchard! It was so much fun! Here's just a few of my favorites from our session number one! Enjoy! See you both soon! Now go pray for some snow too!