Wednesday, November 17, 2010

lindsey. katie. owen: family.

Lindsey! It was so good seeing you and your kids for pictures! Katie cracks me up and I love how happy she is! Owen has the most beautiful big brown eyes and they totally melt your heart. They're such cute kids! My FAVORITE moment of that day, has got be the little bugs that Katie picked up. She stuck them together, and said, "Look! They're MATING!" HO-LY COW that was hysterical! I'm not even kidding when I think I nearly peed my pants from laughing so hard! Katie, we're all so glad you're learning things from school, even the parts about mating! HA!

Thanks for hanging out with at the orchard Lindsey, and thanks especially for being patient while I finished these up! You're beyond lucky to be able to look your blessings in the eye at the end of every day and hug and kiss them goodnight. They are lucky kids to have your for their mom and you've got a heart of gold for them. You'll be in my prayers that this next year will be amazing for you and those beautiful kiddos! You truly deserve it! Enjoy your photos!