Tuesday, April 10, 2012


This is Asher. Cute as a button. Most adorable expressions ever. ALL boy! I loved that finally we got to photograph Asher's one year old photos after we had been re-scheduling due to him doing boy things and having a scratch or two here and there. If you have boys, you know how that is I'm sure! Asher really was the best I could ask for, and getting these cute expressions out of him, was way to easy! He is such a happy boy, and I think that stems from his awesome parents who adore him too. Thank you guys for bringing Asher out to have his photos taken! I could seriously spend an afternoon following him and watching those big brown eyes and cute little grin! He's a handful I'm sure, but he's the cutest little handful around! Hope you all love some of my favorites here and I will anxiously await the day when I get to meet the rest of Asher's siblings!